Saturday, February 21, 2009

Check out the Union of Concerned Scientists Website

I recently got an email referral from a friend I’ve known for about 8 or 9 years who knows we are an Organic Coffee Farm (he even buys our coffee!)... Genetically Engineered Crops is something most of us has heard about.

Part of the email he forwarded to me read:

USDA Caves to Pressure: Second Chance to Protect Our Food
Dear UCS Activist,

Last fall the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) tried to rush through new regulations, including those relating to pharma crops--crops genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals. After thousands of letters from UCS activists and others, the USDA has been forced to reopen the public comment period.

UCS scientists and independent experts agree that if food crops such as corn and rice are engineered to produce drugs and other chemicals and grown outdoors, these substances are very likely to contaminate the food supply and pose serious human health and environmental risks for years to come.

This is your chance to tell the new administration that the USDA’s proposal will significantly weaken restrictions on pharma crops and threaten our nation’s food supply. We need stronger—not weaker—regulations for these dangerous crops!

I have clicked on the email link and was pleasantly surprised at what I found, and wanted to let the readers of this blog know about this resource as well.

At the website of Union of Concerned Scientists you will find easy to navigate topics that should concern most anyone, but is especially relevant to those of us in organic farming in Hawaii.


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